
Showing posts from April, 2019

Are you stuck in Indecision about weight loss?

Let's talk about Indecision , what it is, what it does and the impact it can have on your results if you aren’t aware of the problems  Indecision  can cause. Indecision  is a feeling. A feeling created by thoughts like...      I don’t know what to do.      I'm not sure.      I can't decide. What happens when you feel undecided?      Nothing, nothing at all. Indecision  is when you are trying to decide which way to go in order to get something you want.      What path to take?      Which direction to go?      What results do I want?      What plan to follow?      Who to ask for help? When you can't decide which way to go, you go nowhere.      You don't move.      You don't take action.      You don't get results. Staying in  Indecision ...

Are you Fat Adapted?

What does it mean to be fat adapted? Simple… It means your body is burning the fat on your body for fuel instead of the sugar your body gets from the food you eat. How do you become Fat Adapted? Simple… Stop eating concentrated foods. What are concentrated foods? Simple… Any food that is not in its natural state. What doe is it mean to not be in its natural state? Simple… It means the food has been processed, like flours (any kind), sugars and fruit juices.  Any packaged food. If you stick with Protein, Veggies and healthy fats like olive oil, avocado oil, nut, and avocados, and only eat 3 meals a day you will begin to become fat adapted. If you add intermittent fasting, meaning you only eat in a 6 or 8-hour window,  you will become fat adapted faster. But remember, you have to cut out all sugar & flour first. Simple but not always easy... Sounds simple enough, right?  Well, it wasn't...

How to get Results in your life - The Before & After Process (part 4 of 4)

GETTING FROM BEFORE TO AFTER THE SECRET IS THE PROCESS TO GET FROM HERE TO THERE. If we know that, we know everything. The process always needs to start with our thinking.  Our thinking drives our emotion which drives our action. We need to start with our brain and the patterns of thinking. Have you ever noticed that our life is mostly a repeat?  We do and get the same things day in and day out. We are literally in the habit of being ourselves. We are efficient in default mode and our brain likes it that way.  It’s safe. So first we become of aware of where we are - the Before . Then we decide where we want to go - the After . And then we change our thinking, and our feelings and actions follow. We develop new habits of thinking that eventually turn into habits of feeling and action. This is what I help my clients learn through Life  Coaching. You change your mind and your life will follow. Coaching is all...

How to get Results in your life - The Before & After Process (part 3)

THE AFTER PROCESS CREATING YOUR AFTER Yesterday you created your Before Picture. Good job. Most people aren’t willing to have a look at their current state of affairs. They don’t look at what they have because most often it’s not what they want. But here’s the reason they don’t have what they want… Nine times out of ten it’s because they don’t even know what they want or they don’t believe they can have it. They are filled with excuses and complaints and haven’t even considered that they can decide what is possible. So now for the fun part… Dream! Think about everything you want in your life. Allow yourself to want, to Dream, to be open to Possibilities. Once I asked a friend what she wanted and she gave me a very boring “more of the same” answer. So then I changed the question to, “If anything was possible what would you want?” She got excited and sais "If anything was possible, I would want to quit my job and travel the wo...

Love Your Body, Love Your Life!

If you have tried everything and still struggle with weight loss you may want to check this out. I'm a Certified Life & Weight Loss Coach. I help my clients see there is more to weight loss than what happens in the Kitchen or the Gym. I have created a new 6-week program and am looking for 10 women over 50 with 50 or more pound to lose to Beta test the program for free. If you are interested please register at this link and schedule your interview time…

How to get Results in your life - The Before & After Process (part 2)

Yesterday we talked about the Before & After Process. Today we dig into the Before part of the Process… THE BEFORE PROCESS THE BEFORE IS WHERE YOU ARE NOW. It seems obvious, but I guarantee you it isn’t. Self-awareness is the least common trait we have as humans. We rarely take a hard look at our lives from the outside. We are so busy living IN our lives, we rarely work ON our lives. That is what life coaching is all about, stepping back and taking a look at our lives from the outside. This process works best if you can pick something specific to focus on in your life. For example: Your Relationship Your Career Your Weight Your Small Business Your Drinking Habits Your Productivity Your Stress/Anxiety Level Just pick one for now. You can go through this process as many times as you want, but the more specific you can be each time, the better. Let’s say you pick your career. You need to define the “Before”, which is whe...

How to get Results in your life - The Before & After Process (part 1)

DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT AND HOW TO GET IT? THE BEFORE AND AFTER PROCESS This process takes you from where you are now to where you want to be. It's a journey to your most desired destination. It's a journey you are going to custom create. You are going to write it yourself. If you are serious about changing your life and creating results that will transform you from where you are now to where you want to be you will want to spend some time on this.  The entire process, when done correctly, can be completed in about 20 minutes. That’s a very short amount of time To be sure you want to go through this process, simply answer the following question… Do you want something for your life that you don’t already have? It seems like a basic question, but you would be surprised at how many people never even ask it. Do you want something for your life that you don’t already have? Most of us are in default mode. We simply accept more of the sam...

The Relationship Manual - Giving Away Your Power

What is a Relationship Manual? It is an instruction guide we have for people in our lives about how we would like them to behave so we can feel good and be happy. We can have a manual for our spouses, children, siblings, parents, bosses.   Whenever we think someone should act differently chances are good you have a manual for them  We generally don’t tell the other person what’s in our manual, and we usually don’t even realize we have it or see the pain it causes us. We feel that the other person should just “know” what to do and how to treat us. While it may seem justified to have expectations of other people, it can be very damaging when your emotional happiness is directly tied to their behaving a certain way. Many people have manuals that stem from the belief that they would be happier if someone in their lives would change. This is a huge cause of suffering because they’re handing over the power of how they feel to someone else. What I te...

Story vs Fact

I would like to teach you about one of the tools I use to help my clients; It's called Story vs Fact .    A Story is what we tell ourselves about a circumstance that includes what happened and all the emotions, thoughts and feelings that we have around the circumstance. The story can be something that happened yesterday or it can be something that happened to you years ago that you keep telling over and over and over again so much that it becomes so ingrained you believe the story with every fiber of your being. But the FACTS are neutral items from the story that everyone can agree on. When we look at just the facts, without the thoughts, feelings & emotions, the facts have no effect on us. It’s not until we start thinking about the FACTS, and attaching meaning to the facts, that our feelings and emotions take us to places we don’t want to go. A very basic example would be – if you were to say ‘Work stresses me out” this is really a story T...

Asking Why?

“Why?” is the most powerful question in life. It seems to be such an innocent little word, but it can really increase your consciousness if you let it. When you ask "Why?", you have to go into your mind and find the meaning and the intention that drives you.  Most people have never done this before. Many of us are on autopilot, playing out the programming of our childhoods without questioning it. We do what we think we should do based on what we were told as children, and we have never evaluated whether it still applies or not. A good example of this is you may have been told as a child to 'clean your plate' by an adult.  Our parents wanted to make sure we were getting the nutrition we needed to grow.  But are you still cleaning your plate today?  Even when you're no longer hungry? That is a thought that has become a belief and may not be serving you today. If you want to stop running on autopilot, the next time you find yourself doing somet...

False Pleasure vs Well Being

When we talk about weight loss we need to consider the difference between the False Pleasure of overeating and the instant gratification it gives us, versus the Well Being of losing the weight and getting to our goal. All False Pleasures give us instant gratification.  They are what we do when we know we shouldn't.  False Pleasures cost us our health in the long run. With weight loss, the feeling of deprivation is something we struggle with and often we give into it, only to beat ourselves up later, or tomorrow, because now we have to start over again. When we are willing to give up False Pleasures for Well Being, it opens us up to be  more available to experience the real pleasures in life. Constraining your drinking makes you more alert and available.  Constraining your spending helps you save and gives you more money for the things that are really important.  Constraining your eating makes you feel better & healthier.  I do...

Do you hate your body?

Let's talk about your body.  Do you love it?  Do you hate it?  I'm here to tell you that if you don't like the body you're in because it is storing fat, from bad food choices you've made in the past, it will be next to impossible to get your body to release that fat if you hate your body. As my Life Coach, Brooke Castillo taught me, Nothing positive comes from negative thoughts & emotions. If you are trying to lose weight and change your body, you have to love your body, appreciate your body, where it is right now.  Think of it like this… If you had a friend that wanted you to do something you weren't sure of, would you be more likely to do it if your friend was nice to you, gave you compliments, treated you with kindness OR if they yelled at you, told you how ugly & fat you were and told you they hated you??? Is that what you are doing to your body? If you treat your body, and therefore yourself, with love, kindness ...