How to get Results in your life - The Before & After Process (part 4 of 4)



If we know that, we know everything.

The process always needs to start with our thinking.  Our thinking drives our emotion which drives our action.

We need to start with our brain and the patterns of thinking.

Have you ever noticed that our life is mostly a repeat?  We do and get the same things day in and day out.

We are literally in the habit of being ourselves.

We are efficient in default mode and our brain likes it that way.  It’s safe.

So first we become of aware of where we are - the Before.
Then we decide where we want to go - the After.

And then we change our thinking, and our feelings and actions follow.

We develop new habits of thinking that eventually turn into habits of feeling and action.

This is what I help my clients learn through Life  Coaching.

You change your mind and your life will follow.

Coaching is all about recognizing and changing neural pathways in the brain.

For example;
When people are overweight, they are overeating.
Their patterns of thinking that lead them to the kitchen whenever they are bored or stressed.
They eat and eat until they are full and dull.
Then they feel stressed because they are gaining weight.
This leads to eating even more.

The solution is to be free of thoughts around food.

The process was learning how to do something with my feelings besides eat.

They have to learn how to process and prevent stress and boredom.

They have to learn and create new neurotransmitters that made me more productive and less self-sabotaging.

This is the process called Self Coaching which is what I teach my clients how to do.

We work on the Before and After Process and then I help them see how to change their patterns so their after became habitual.

You can totally do this too.

You can do this on your own, or I can help you.

If you would like Help with this, let's set up a time to chat and I will teach you about Self Coaching and you can change the results you are getting in your life.

If you want to
do better.
take action.
lose weight.
make and keep more money.
be even more successful.
live on purpose.
You need a coach.
I can be that coach for you.

How does coaching work?
First, it increases awareness. We take time to look at your life from the outside.
Second, it gets emotions under control. Emotional management is imperative to make progress.
Finally, it demands massive action. We insist on making commitments and following through for predictable results.

Coaching is not therapy. We don't explore your past or try to make sense of your childhood.
We simply start where we are and move forward.

It's a future-focused, mind-blowing process.


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