False Pleasure vs Well Being

When we talk about weight loss we need to consider the difference between the False Pleasure of overeating and the instant gratification it gives us, versus the Well Being of losing the weight and getting to our goal.

All False Pleasures give us instant gratification.  They are what we do when we know we shouldn't.  False Pleasures cost us our health in the long run.

With weight loss, the feeling of deprivation is something we struggle with and often we give into it, only to beat ourselves up later, or tomorrow, because now we have to start over again.

When we are willing to give up False Pleasures for Well Being, it opens us up to be more available to experience the real pleasures in life.

Constraining your drinking makes you more alert and available.  Constraining your spending helps you save and gives you more money for the things that are really important.  Constraining your eating makes you feel better & healthier. 

I don't think the point of our life is to be entertained with the false pleasure of food.

Maybe considering the possibility that life would be better if you didn’t have all those false pleasures, will give you a different perspective and help you be more conscious of the choices you make. 

If your goal is to get to your goal you need to kick False Pleasures to the curb, practice constraint and embrace the Well Being your future self will experience when you get to your goal.

Whether your goal is to lose weight or improve other areas of your life I can help you.  Let's set up a time to chat and you will learn about tools you can use to get to your goals.


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