Are you stuck in Indecision about weight loss?

Let's talk about Indecision, what it is, what it does and the impact it can have on your results if you aren’t aware of the problems Indecision can cause.

Indecision is a feeling. A feeling created by thoughts like...
     I don’t know what to do.
     I'm not sure.
     I can't decide.

What happens when you feel undecided?
     Nothing, nothing at all.

Indecision is when you are trying to decide which way to go in order to get something you want.
     What path to take?
     Which direction to go?
     What results do I want?
     What plan to follow?
     Who to ask for help?

When you can't decide which way to go, you go nowhere.
     You don't move.
     You don't take action.
     You don't get results.
Staying in Indecision keeps you from getting to what you want.

Indecision is really just fear.
     Fear of failing.
     Fear of what others may think.
     Fear about getting it wrong.
     Fear about wasting time.
     Fear of missing out.

Those thoughts create
     The illusion of keeping you safe.
     The illusion of it's easier to stay where you are.
And these illusions stop you from seeing that you are just wasting time.

Losing weight is a great example of where Indecision keeps you from getting the results you want.
     I'm not sure what to do.
     I don't know what will work.
     I just don't know.

This kind of loop thinking creates ongoing feelings of uncertainty and Indecision. And this creates either no action or passive action.
     No action means you settle for where you are and don't do anything.
     Passive action, when it comes to losing weight, looks like...
          Googling how to lose weight in three weeks.
          Watching the Biggest Loser. 
          Subscribing to weight loss website and never opening the emails.
          Actions that don't lead to results.

Indecision can make you feel like you are really busy. Like you are doing something very important. But it's really not important or productive.
It's just undisciplined thinking just consuming space in our head.
And it all feels very confusing.

There are 3 things you need to do to get out of Indecision is...
     You Decide.
     Then You Commit.
     Then you start and stay committed to yourself.

If you think you can't lose weight and know you need some help why don’t you talk to me? That's what I do, I help my clients decide and commit and get the results they want.

If you are interested to know how I help my clients go from the thought "I can't lose weight" to "I've done it", Click here and book a free consultation call.


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