
Showing posts from March, 2019

4 Types of Eating

Which type of eating do you do on a regular basis? I help my clients understand the 4 different types of eating, Fog Eating, Storm Eating, Fuel Eating, and Joy Eating, and how they are keeping them from releasing their body fat. FUEL EATING  this kind of eating gives your body the nutrients it needs. You consciously plan out what you will eat and know ahead of time what your meals will be. And you stick to your menus and don't have to worry about making bad decisions in the moment. JOY EATING is when you eat something you love to eat and actually taste it. When you have your Joy Eat you want to pay attention to every bite, savor the taste & the texture – try moaning and slowly chewing to really get the full enjoyment from your food. This is usually one or two small treats per week. The rule with Joy Eating is that you must enjoy each bite.  You MUST plan your Joy Eats at least 24 hours ahead of time.  FOG EATING is when you are eating wi...

The Power of Positive Thinking

Today is Saturday and the weather was beautiful today.  We had a neighborhood yard sale today and it was a lot of fun and a lot of work and my body aches from head to toe.  That being said my blog today will be brief... I remember my dad having me read the book ' The Power of Positive Thinking ' by Norman Vincent Peale when I was barely out of high school and it had a profound impact on my life, though I didn't realize it at the time. Thinking back on that now it's amazing how changing your negative thoughts to positive thoughts can change the results in your life. Who knew I would grow up to be a Life Coach and now I get to help people change their thoughts so they can change the results they get in their life. As a Life Coach, I help you see how your thoughts create the results you are getting, good & bad.  If you would like to learn how, sign up for a free call with me , and let's talk about what you want to change in your life and how to g...

Are you struggling with a weight loss plateau?

Weight loss-plateaus are part of the weight loss journey. Getting to your goal takes time and patience.  As I'm sure you know the scale does not always move in the directions you want it to. Some days we lose, some days we gain, and some days we stay the same. Weight loss plateaus are just part of the process. It's important to know for sure that you are at a plateau before making any changes to your protocol. It's truly a plateau if you’ve been consistent with your protocol for at least three weeks and the scale hasn't moved. That's why it's very important to track your food daily so you can look back and see if you really were true to your protocol. Look over the last 3 weeks and be honest, did you really not have any cheats?  If you wavered a little get back on course and stay committed to your protocol 100% and see if the scale starts to move again. If you were 100% true to your protocol for three weeks or more and the scale hasn...

QUESTIONS! Are you asking the right ones?

Questions reveal thoughts and can also direct the mind to think new ones. USING QUESTIONS TO FOCUS THE MIND* We ask ourselves questions all day long. “How can I get this done?” “What am I going to eat today?” “When will I be skinny?” “Why is my life so hard?” By asking high quality, empowering questions, we get creative and inspiring answers. It’s like our brain goes to work searching for the answers to what we’re presenting. If you ask, “How can I be happier?” your brain comes back with wonderful ideas. If you don’t close the door by answering, “I don’t know,” you’ll find a source of wisdom within you that you might not have known existed. The higher quality the question, the higher quality the answer will be. If you ask yourself why you can’t lose weight, you’ll come back with a slew of very negative, self-defeating answers. The question incorporates a negative belief, and your brain will be sent to task to prove the negative belief. Your brain is a very ...

Are you Past Focused or Future Focused?

Don't look back, you aren't going that way. Are you looking to your past for evidence of what you can create or are you looking to the future to see your possibilities? OUR BELIEFS COME FROM OUR PAST Science shows that what you currently believe about yourself is based on thoughts from your past. Beliefs are nothing more than thoughts you’ve thought over and over until they become beliefs. Throughout your lives, you have learned thoughts and beliefs indirectly and directly, and most of those thoughts are now so ingrained that you are not aware of them. Just like a fish is unaware of the water it lives in, we are often unaware of the thoughts we are thinking. Likewise, for us, we must develop the skill of becoming a Watcher of our thoughts. We must learn to watch our brain think so we can recognize thoughts and beliefs that are not serving us. Often, we think we are observing facts when we are actually making judgments based on what we have lear...

The 4 phases to permanent weight loss for life!

While you are reading this information, I encourage you to consider…what phase you are currently in and where do you typically get trapped and self-sabotage or quit. For me, I would get stuck in phase 2, quit on myself and then have to start all over again. Seeing and understanding these different phases can be a real EYE-OPENER for you because you will see that what you’re going through is totally normal and that most people experience the same things.  Phase 1:  I'm Excited! Phase   This Phase is the most exciting because you are ready to get started on your new program.  You've seen it work for others and you just know this is "the one" that will finally work for you and you are excited to begin. You've read all the rules, you've done your shopping and prepped your food.  You are motivated!  You are psyched and can't wait to get started! To make the most of this phase get started right way.  No need to keep thinking abou...

How To Get The Results You Want In Your Life!

The Model is a tool I use to help my clients see how their Thoughts are creating the results in their lives. The Model can be used to help you figure out why you are feeling a certain way.  Or it can help you see how to change the results you are getting in your life. This is not a new concept, but just a new way of looking at things. Our thoughts have always caused the results in our lives. Most people think it's the circumstances in their lives that are causing them the problems they have, but really it's our thoughts about the circumstances that cause the results. The Circumstances are neutral, they are the facts!  It's your Thoughts about the Circumstance that causes you to have a Feeling that you take Action on that creates the Results in your life. Here is how we define the five categories: Circumstances: Things that happen in the world that we cannot control. This could be the weather, something someone else did, or your pas...

Do you Buffer?

Do you eat when you're bored?  Do you drink against your own will?  Do you get stuck in front of the TV for hours? Do you overspend? Are you checking Facebook all the time?   These are all forms of buffering.   Buffering is when we use external things to change how we feel emotionally. It’s something we do to keep from fully experiencing our lives, to hide from reality, to procrastinate, to not show up and face the music. We don’t want to face the truth of our lives because we don’t want to experience any type of negative emotion. We feel entitled to feel happiness and pleasure all of the time. Buffering is something we do when we don't want to feel an unpleasant emotion. Buffering is using things that give us false pleasure in the moment.   When we buffer we change how we feel temporarily by using something external to distract ourselves and not feel our feelings, for example using food as a way to temporarily comfo...

How to handle Urges

  Before we can talk about Urges we need to talk about Desire. Your desire for food is based on a healthy release of dopamine in the pleasure center in the brain when you eat. Your desire comes from the subtle reward healthy food provides and the satisfaction of hunger. When you eat foods that release unnaturally high levels of dopamine, like flour & sugar, you get much more desire than you need to from our food. Your desire is artificially increased beyond your evolved ability to satisfy or even understand it. It's a given when we are working on losing weight we have to change what we eat.  When we cut back on food to lose weight without addressing the underlying desire, we increase our desire for food by withholding it. Often, we will feel as if we’re eating against our will or that we’re out of  control. The truth is that false desire is making your brain run a “thought error,” creating an unwarranted urge ncy for food. So your Urge is an...

Why do we Quit?

Quitting slows you down! Quitting is a habit and justifying quitting is a skill. What we practice is what we get better at, we become skillful at what we practice. So if you're practicing overeating, you're getting better at overeating. If you're practicing smoking, you're getting better at smoking. If you're practicing gossiping, you're getting better at gossiping. If you are practicing quitting, you are getting better at quitting. If you're practicing justifying why you're quitting, you're getting better at that too. You're developing skills that will help you quit in the future. Isn't that crazy? Too many of us have too much practice at quitting! If that's you, I have some good news… If you are quitting at something, that means you committed to it in the first place, which means there is something deep inside you that wants more.  Inside, you believe you can have more. So at some point prior to...

Decisions ahead of time

Why is it important to make decisions ahead of time?   So you can achieve your goals So you know what you will or won't do in a future situation where your Primitive brain wants you to do the same old thing. As was discussed in the last post, your Primitive brain wants to seek pleasure, avoid pain and conserve energy. That was great when we lived in caves and had to hunt for our food, our Primitive brains were working to keep us alive. Today the Motivational Triad of seeking pleasure, avoiding pain and conserving energy is keeping us from reaching our goals.  Weight Loss goals, Exercise goals, Work goals, Relationship goals, no matter what your goals are, you have to be prepared to deal with your Primitive brain. What happens when we decide to make a change that goes against our habits is our Primitive brain freaks out and think we are going to die if we don't eat something RIGHT NOW!!! It tells us not to try something new, it's safer to sit on t...

The Motivational Triad

As a Life Coach, I help my clients see how their thoughts are creating the results in their lives.  Many times my clients ask me "Why am I thinking this way? Why is it so hard to change my habits?" The answer is because our brains are wired for survival. Our primitive brains, the ones that helped us survive when we were living in caves and hunting our food, had 3 priorities - to seek pleasure, avoid pain and conserve energy. This is called the Motivational Triad and this is how our primitive brain has kept us surviving as a species for so long. The first part of the Motivational Triad is to seek pleasure.   Pleasure was anything that keeps you alive. We would seek pleasure: Through staying in groups, because in primitive times we were safer in large groups Through food and feasting on food because it might be a long time until our next meal And through sex so that we procreated as a species The second part of the Motivational Triad is to ...