QUESTIONS! Are you asking the right ones?

Questions reveal thoughts and can also direct the mind to think new ones.


We ask ourselves questions all day long. “How can I get this done?” “What am I going to eat today?” “When will I be skinny?” “Why is my life so hard?”

By asking high quality, empowering questions, we get creative and inspiring answers. It’s like our brain goes to work searching for the answers to what we’re presenting.

If you ask, “How can I be happier?” your brain comes back with wonderful ideas. If you don’t close the door by answering, “I don’t know,” you’ll find a source of wisdom within you that you might not have known existed. The higher quality the question, the higher quality the answer will be.

If you ask yourself why you can’t lose weight, you’ll come back with a slew of very negative, self-defeating answers. The question incorporates a negative belief, and your brain will be sent to task to prove the negative belief.
Your brain is a very powerful tool that can do just that. It may come back with “You don’t have willpower; you don’t have enough time; you don’t care enough.”

But if you change the question to incorporate an empowering belief, you will come up with answers that are just as empowering. For example, the question could be, “How can I lose weight permanently and have fun at the same time?” You will likely come up with much more creative and wonderful ideas that will move you closer to your goal.

Take a moment right now and see if you can identify the questions you ask yourself on a regular basis.
You might even have one main one about your weight that you want to evaluate. My main question for a long time was, “Why is weight loss so hard for me?”

One day, my brain came back with, “It doesn't have to be.” So once I changed my question to, “How can I lose my weight permanently and without deprivation or cravings?” I began to get the answers that were positive and actionable and now I am losing weight and know once I get to my natural weight I will be able to keep it off permanently.
Whatever your question is, decide if it is empowering and if it isn’t, change it immediately. Write it on a Post-It and put it up everywhere in your house. Your brain will go to work for you and most likely come up with a wonderful solution.

Ask yourself at least one positive question every day.

Here are some ideas if you need some help:
  • How can I get the housework done and have fun at the same time?
  • What can I do to laugh a lot today?
  • How can I make today better than yesterday?
  • How can I make my future more exciting than my past?
  • How can I make myself a priority so I have more to give others?
  • What do I love about myself?
  • What am I grateful for?
  • How can I honor my body today?
  • What can I do to feel my emotions instead of eating them today?
  • How can I become more connected to my internal joy?
  • How can I make choices that benefit me, and everyone around me, at the same time?
  • How can I live my best life?

Pick 3 great questions to ask yourself every day.
And just before you turn off the light to go to sleep every night, ask your brain a great question for it to work on while you sleep.

I hope this gives you food for thought.  We really are in control of the results we are getting in our lives, good or bad, and by changing the questions you will be able to change the results.

If you would like some help, sign up for a call with me, and we can talk about the questions you can ask that will have a positive impact and help you create the results you want in your life.

*This information came for a great book my Life Coach, Brooke Castillo wrote called 'If I'm so Smart Why Can't I Lose Weight'.  Click the link to get a free soft copy of this book - it could change your life - It did mine!


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