Are you struggling with a weight loss plateau?

Weight loss-plateaus are part of the weight loss journey.

Getting to your goal takes time and patience.  As I'm sure you know the scale does not always move in the directions you want it to. Some days we lose, some days we gain, and some days we stay the same. Weight loss plateaus are just part of the process.

It's important to know for sure that you are at a plateau before making any changes to your protocol.

It's truly a plateau if you’ve been consistent with your protocol for at least three weeks and the scale hasn't moved.

That's why it's very important to track your food daily so you can look back and see if you really were true to your protocol. Look over the last 3 weeks and be honest, did you really not have any cheats? 

If you wavered a little get back on course and stay committed to your protocol 100% and see if the scale starts to move again.

If you were 100% true to your protocol for three weeks or more and the scale hasn’t moved, here are some things you can try get the scale moving down again.

4 ways to break your plateau

Before you read these tips, keep in mind, only implement them 1 at a time, because if you make several changes at the same time you won't know which one helped you break this plateau and what to use in the future.

1.) What are you thinking?
You know why, right? Because your thoughts create your results.
If your thought is “I can't do this” that will be your reality.
If your thought is “this is too hard,” that will be your reality.

So write down all your thoughts about your weight loss journey, your protocol and your lose weight progress and see what comes up.  If you are coming up with negative thoughts do some Models on them and see if you can't see what is keeping you stuck.

2.) Skip the Joy Eats!!
If you have Joy Eats planned into your Protocol once or twice a week try cutting out one or both of them and see what happens. It may be just the thing you need to get the scale moving again.  After a couple weeks once you break your plateau you can try adding 1 back and see if that stalls you again.

3.) Make adjustments to your eating window
If you usually have your first meal around 11am and your last meal at 5pm try tightening that up and having your first meal later or your last meal earlier.
Making your fasting window longer will keep your insulin levels low for longer periods and will help your body access more fat for fuel.

4.) Add in a 24 hour fast once or twice a week
Only do this if you have been following the protocol of 2 meals a day for six weeks or more and you have eliminated flour & sugar from your protocol meaning you are now Fat Adapted and are burning fat for fuel.  
To do this decide which meal you want to work from then have that meal and then fast until the next day at that same time.  So if you have your meal at 1pm, don't have anything but water until the next day at the same time.
By doing this you may find you have more energy & fewer cravings after these longer fasts.

Remember, when you are trying to break your plateau, only use these tip 1 at a time! It may only take one small adjustment to get the scale moving again.

If you're struggling with your plateau and would like some help to get the scale moving again, sign up for a call with me, and we can talk about these 4 options and get you back on track.  


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